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Spread of Bacteria ini Food

Restaurant Environmental Cleanliness

Foodstuffs can be contaminated by germs and disease-causing bacteria wherever the food is stored, processed and served.

The environment around food preparation places that is less sterile, less clean water sanitation, and the lack of cleanliness of people in preparing and serving food can cause food that is processed and prepared in dirty places to infest with bacteria and germs.

Food Contamination

Bacteria and germs can appear and survive on food through contamination through direct contact of the cook during the food preparation process, then contamination of unclean water when washing food, and through utensils.

Food Processing

Food storage and processing not at the right temperature can cause bacteria and germs to settle on these food ingredients.

Cross-contamination can also occur, if food storage, and the use of the same cooking utensils for raw and cooked food, can cause the transfer of germs from raw food ingredients to cooked food ingredients.

Avoid Spread of Bacteria in the Following 4 Ways :

1. Store raw and cooked food in separate containers and containers

2. Cook and store food at the correct temperature

3. Using different cooking utensils (cutting boards), especially for raw meat with vegetables or other ready-to-eat foods

4. Keeping your hands, cooking utensils, kitchen table and the environment around your restaurant clean.

