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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2020

Spread of Bacteria ini Food

Restaurant Environmental Cleanliness Foodstuffs can be contaminated by germs and disease-causing bacteria wherever the food is stored, processed and served. The environment around food preparation places that is less sterile, less clean water sanitation, and the lack of cleanliness of peo…

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Some travel entrepreneurs ( Travelpreneurs ) may still have difficulty determining the price of tour packages. Everyone already knows, price is closely related to sales and profits. Many travelpreneurs are worried that they will lose customers if the price of the tour packages offered is …

Recognize and Avoid Bacteria that Cause Food Poisoning

Get to Know Together Identify the causes of food poisoning, starting from the types of bacteria that cause food poisoning, to the pathways of spread that cause bacteria to appear on these foods. Causes of Food Poisoning As is well known together, that germs and bacteria are the main cause…
